Teaching restaurant staff the art of high-quality service

Written by Louise Harvig Olsmar | 09 Sep 2024

In the restaurant industry, exceptional service is as crucial as the food on the plate. For staff to deliver high-quality service, they must understand not just the mechanics but the mindset behind it.

Start with the Basics: Begin by training your staff on the fundamentals—greeting guests warmly, being attentive without hovering, and always being polite. These are the building blocks of great service.

Role-Playing Scenarios: One of the best ways to teach service is through role-playing. Simulate different situations, from handling a large party to addressing a dissatisfied guest. This prepares your team for real-life scenarios and builds confidence.

Empathy is Key: Encourage your staff to see things from the guest's perspective. What kind of experience would they want? This helps them anticipate needs and personalize their service.

Lead by Example: Management should model the behavior they expect from their staff. When leaders consistently demonstrate high service standards, it sets a clear example for everyone to follow.

Continuous Feedback: Finally, create a culture of continuous improvement. Regularly review service quality, celebrate successes, and address areas needing improvement. With ongoing training and support, high service becomes second nature to your team.

The Right Solutions will increase guest contact: Work Efficiently in the Dining Area

A mobile order and payment solution is the key to efficient service in the dining area, helping to reduce bar queues and enhance service on packed outdoor terraces. If you like, you can use the device to take orders and serve guests yourself, complementing the POS system in the bar. Guests will feel attended to, and queues will be shorter. Staying out among the customers and avoiding constant trips back and forth to the POS system to place orders or fetch payment terminals will also boost the level of service.

HandyPay is Trivec's Mobile Order and Payment Solution 2-in-1

Trivec offers HandyPay, which serves as both an order and payment device. As an ordering solution, HandyPay streamlines service by allowing staff to send orders directly to the bar or kitchen. As a payment solution, HandyPay simplifies the payment process by enabling payments to be taken directly when the guest asks to pay.